

[English follows after Japanese]

みなさまこんにちは。エンジニアの jay と kaz です。


SORACOM では、クレジットカード払いだけでなく請求書払いも対応しております。請求書払いの提供を始めた当初は、請求書払いへの切り替え手数料や毎月の発行手数料が発生していたのですが、継続的にコストダウンに努めてまいりました。


現在、請求書払いの情報を更新する場合は Contact usまたはサポートからお問い合わせ頂いておりました。しかし、こちらからお問い合わせいただくのはお客様の手間がかかり、またお客様の数の増加に比例してお問い合わせの件数も増えてきておりました。





例えば、現状日本カバレッジのみ請求書払いをご登録されているお客様が、グローバルカバレッジのお支払い方法ページで請求書払いの統合ボタンをクリックすることで、グローバルカバレッジの支払いを追加することができます。この場合、1 枚の請求書で日本カバレッジとグローバルカバレッジの両方をお支払い頂くことができます。あるいは、現状グローバルカバレッジのみ請求書で支払っている時に、日本カバレッジの支払いを追加する逆のパターンも可能です。



ソラコム kaz 中西

English version

Apart from having payment method of credit card, we also provided support for pay by invoice. In the beginning we provided that service with some cost, but we continuously were working to bring down the cost.

Initially, in addition to the switching fee (500 yen), there was also a monthly issue fee (500 yen), but in April 2018 the monthly issue fee was free, and later in September, the switching fee also made free.

Old Process of registering invoice and updating information

Currently application for invoice payment method is made from Application for bill payment but after registration if user want to update some information then they need to contact us via Contact us
So updating information seems tedious task and takes time.

As the number of customers are growing continueously, the number of inquiries for modifying invoice information is also increasing in proportion.

New Process

To register as new payment method, user still need to contact us and request. But once method is registered, later if user want to update some information of invoice, he now can be able to do from within console! 🎉

That form will be available in “Payment setting” page.

From here user can see registered information and also can update directly.

Bonus: Linking or Merging invoice

So the payment method can be registered in Japan side and Global side. For example if user registered payment method in Japan coverage side, the global side still might have other payment method or no method at all.

With this new release, we provide a feature so that user can merge/link payment method with either side. For example in above case, for customer who currently only pay by invoice at Japan coverage side, by clicking on “Merge Invoice” button at Global coverage, customer will be able to pay for Japan and Global coverage by same invoice. And the reverse pattern is also possible where global coverage is paid by invoice and user can continue using same invoice at Japan coverage.

Once user merge invoice method, he can see invoice information form on particular coverage payment page and then on both coverage side, will have same invoice information.

With this new feature, our customers will have easy way to update invoice information and with less process and more speed!